Goals of the Website: to recognize the uniqueness of the writing program created at each university
- To build a dialogic transnational community of writing scholars, teachers, and administrators to share their discoveries and struggles.
- To honor the variety and rich complexity of persons, languages, traditions, geographies, conditions, and purposes that both inspire and constrain the writing pedagogies and research of individuals and teams. Thus, to recognize the uniqueness of the writing program created at each university.
- To share ongoing research in teaching of writing and WAC/WID .
- To share varied writing center pedagogies.
- To invite universities to write about their pasts and current writing initiatives and efforts, including struggles and successes.
- To share successes with new approaches to teaching writing.
- To encourage all forms of media sharing: audio, video, pictures, etc.
- To honor multilingualism, by allowing universities to share their information in the language of their choice.
- Encourage research literature on the shaping of writing programs and related areas of inquiry.
About the Book
The anthology Writing Programs Worldwide: Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places is an attempt to capture the emerging writing programs and initiatives at universities around the world. Through the essays in the book we were able to describe the struggles and success of shaping writing programs at 40 different universities in six different continents. With the hope to continue the dialog and spirit, we present this website as a platform for more teachers and scholars to talk about the writing programs and initiatives in their locales. We welcome teachers, program managers, and college/university administrators to share how writing is currently defined, managed, funded, and taught in their institutions.