About Us

Dr. Chris Thaiss

Chris Thaiss, PhD

Chris Thaiss is Professor Emeritus of  Chair and Writing Studies,University Writing Program,  University of California, Davis. He is one of the co-editors of this web project.

Contact: cjthaiss@ucdavis.edu

Dr. Aparna Sinha

Aparna Sinha, PhD

Aparna Sinha is the administrator and Co-Editor of this web publication. She is an Assistant Professor of Composition & Rhetoric at California State University, Maritime Academy, CA, USA

Contact: asinha@csum.edu; apsinha@ucdavis.edu

Gerd Bräuer

Gerd Bräuer, PhD

Gerd Bräuer directs the distance-learning program for teachers at the Writing Center at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany. He is co-editing this web project.

Contact: braeuer@ph-freiburg.de

Paula Carlino

Paula Carlino, PhD

Paula Carlino is a researcher with the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, CONICET, at the University of Buenos Aires. She is co-editing this web project.

Contact: paucarlino@gmail.com

Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams, PhD

Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams is the Head of the Centre for Academic Writing at Coventry University.  She is co-editing this web project.

Contact: chd001@coventry.ac.uk