

CONICET—University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

“Who Takes Care of Writing in Latin American and Spanish Universities”? by Paula Carlino

This section essay briefly presents the Latin American and Spanish initiatives that are part of this volume.


Paula Carlino

The Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Argentina)

“Teaching Academic Literacy Across the University Curriculum as Institutional Policy: The Case of the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Argentina)” by Estela Inés Moyano and Lucia Natale

Translated/ Available in Spanish

This chapter briefly outlines a genre-based academic literacy program (PRODEAC) implemented across the university curriculum. The major goal of this program is to promote students’ academic performance through the development of advanced literacy in institutional environments.

Estela Moyano- Author of the article

Estela Moyano- Author of the article

Lucia Natale- Author of the Article

Lucia Natale- Author of the Article

Students at PRODEAC at niversidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Argentina)

Students at PRODEAC at Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Argentina)

Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

“Writing to Learn Biology in the Framework of a Didactic-Curricular Change in the First Year Program at an Argentine University” By Ana De Micheli and Patricia Iglesia

The article discusses the difficulties students face when writing about biology and how the university helps them at (UBA).

Translated/ Available in Spanish

Patricia Iglesia

Patricia Iglesia- Author of the Article

Anna De Micheli- Author of the Article

Anna De Micheli- Author of the Article

Students in a group activity in a Biology class at UAB

Students in a group activity in a Biology class at Universidad de Buenos Aires