
sweden Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)

“Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Lingual Engineering Education Writing Development: A Writing Programme Perspective” By Magnus Gustafsson and Tobias Boström

The Centre for Language and Communication at Chalmers University of Technology is enabled by the university’s curriculum structure to arrange productive collaborations that promote student development in language and learning throughout three- and five-year programmes, including successful completion of BSc theses. This profile describes two such in-depth collaborations, in mechanical and civil engineering. It goes on to describe the special challenges of providing the best interventions for the diverse students at the MSc level. That the Centre provides programmes in both Swedish and English is another important feature of its work.

Magnus Gustafsson

Magnus Gustafsson

Tobais Bostrom

Tobais Bostrom

Writing Center at Chalmers University

Writing Center at Chalmers University



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